No, that is not Miss Haversham, and actually not the house, but it is very close to it! There was old stuff everywhere, and old, dusty faded furniture. Stacks of Magazines, and old letters were strewn everywhere, amidst trinkets galore. Aiyeee! One toilet did not work, and there were not enough beds. None of the beds were younger than 20 years old. The yard was a disater, and...
SO we had to just get out, and we did that, walking, to the mall of all places. Hot, tired, hungry, we were all on the edge. So we were looking for food, and then we saw them, the "Golden Arches"! So we chose the known amidst the unknown, and went on in. $50 later we had dinner. While waiting in line, Bev asked some people for a hotel and where/when to buy bikes.
On our way out the door, The people who had told us where the hotel was asked us if we wanted to come and stay with them... Wow. So we said yes. Thankfully, as they turned out to be very helpful and friendly. We did come to stay with them, and will through tomorrow night.
So that is our current housing arrangement. The search continues Monday when the contact at the uni is back from vacation. We will see how it turns out.
Sorry about the house. However, chins up!!!!!!!Move on to more important issues! How are their ice-cream sandwiches???? Love to all, Jack.
Did you get to try out a Big Mac Hank? I have to admit, after I dropped you guys off at the airport I received some solace from the golden arches too! Lousy food but ever so comforting. xxx's and 000's Kelly
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