Thursday, September 4, 2008


Last Saturday I packed the kids in the car on headed south to Germany to get Bev at the Frankfurt Airport. It was a fun trip, and we combined it with some good vacation time. We'll blog that later this week. But a driving trip into Germany must include information about the famed Autobahn. How to describe that experience? This is a good introduction...

I would be in the right lane here. Our little rental car cruised nicely at 130 kph (80 mph), and we even hit 150 kph at one point. Fast enough for me, but nothing compared to the autobahn yahoos. The results:

From autobahn

It was absolutely crazy. At one point the car shook when a Mercedes blasted by on the left. Time and again, some supercar came whipping by at 200+ kph (and likely much faster). Confirmed car types: Ferrari, Maserati, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Bentley, Porchse, and others (including some low-slung thing that I have no idea what it was. Perhaps a Bugatti Veyron?

In summation, one should drive the autobahn if given the chance. It certainly leaves a lasting impression...

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