Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Running to the dump...

...or at the dump. One of the really interesting things about living somewhere is is to see how they deal with space. This is true within a country, and also country to country. Tivoli Gardens, for example, layers its concessions and its rides. I wrote recently about the gravel pits they are reclaiming for recreation areas. Continuing with the recreation theme, we have the dump. As chronicled previously, the current dump is on the Odense Canal. Well, the old one is too.

From Stige

But it now serves as a recreation area/open space. It is about 3 miles north of us, so I headed out there last week for a run. What I found was an area of grassy hills, a view of the Fjord, and the occasional vent/access point to the waste pile beneath my feet. There was no smell, and it is beautiful there, but there is a nagging thing in the back of one's mind...

But does it work, to reclaim land this way? I say yes. There were people out using the area, much in the way they use regular open space. In a land that has been host to civilization for 1500 years there is little open space left, so reclaiming any available land makes sense from that perspective.

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