On the way over, we had to weave our way around people heading to the game. Farther way there was the odd group on their way, and as we got closer, we had to walk our bikes. We arrived with 45 minutes to spare. It is actually a small stadium, so this was plenty of time. The kids were so excited.
Pre game, I had to duck out to the concession stand, and when I came back, the kids had soccer balls. They kick balls - real, good quality soccer balls - into the stands by the dozens. Katie and Hank both wound up with one, but in the interest of sharing we gave one to the kids of the people we went to the game with. Smiles all around. Later on I made a dash to get hotdogs, and then had to slither back through the crowd with 8 hotdogs in tow. It was a feat, and only 4 or 5 people asked me for a hotdog on the trip back.
Unfortunately, the game did not go well. They were down 1 - 0 at the half, and then about 5 minutes into the second half an OB player was sent off for misbehavior. That sparked the team (they played better after that) but it did not help them win, as they got tired in the end. Still, the quality of soccer was plenty high. There are players on OB from Poland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. There are also some from Africa (Cameroon and Nigeria) and Central America (Costa Rica). It is an international league, and there are some quality players.
Another quirk was the trip home. We got caught behind the police escort of the opposing fans back to the train station. Since they won they were happy enough, but slow moving. And kinda eery following a paddy wagon down a bike path at night. And there we have it. We have attended a Euro football match, which is an experience that we will remember for a long time.
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