Friday, November 7, 2008

An historic event...

I have to say something about how we passed this last Tuesday. It is a very strange thing indeed to be in a foreign country during a US election. The weirdest thing is the time difference. In the morning, we wanted news of the election. But at 1 am EST the polls are all closed. At lunch, the polls were just opening. At dinner, it was only noontime in the east, and by bedtime, the polls were still open everywhere. So even though it was Tuesday, Nov 4, it was not really election day.

But that was really ok because Nov 4 is also Hank's birthday.

Overnight we got up twice - at 1 am (no news at all) and then at 6am we were up for good, and just in time for The acceptance speech. Wow. Although the first half we could not hear due to the German translator, we finally found a channel broadcasting it undubbed. Thus began a weird day. We briefly, via ichat, joined my parents in California. I chatted with my sister. We had champagne and cake at 11 am with the research group Bev is a part of. We learned that 85% of the Danish population would have voted Obama. People were relieved, and happy.

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