Thursday, November 13, 2008

Loose Ends File: The Horse Butcher

Near us on Skibhusvej (our street) there is a butcher. Upon our arrival, we were warned by our housemate nt to shop there because of high bacteria count problems with it. Ok, no problem, as there is another shop just up the street. And I thought nothing more of it.

Until recently, we had dinner with an American couple who is also visiting. They are on their second tour in Denmark, and during their first lived in this area of Odense. The woman asked if we went to the scary horse butcher. Huh? She meant the butcher just down the street. So I made a closer inspection, and something came into focus:

From loose ends

This is the side of a building I have walked by every day for the last 4 months. In red across the top it reads "Horse Meat." Beneath this is a graffiti artist's interpretation of horse meat. Here is a case where graffiti IS commentary and perhaps does pass as art...

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